A major anti-Masonic (and anti-Semitic) journal, the Revue internationale des Sociétés secrètes, published from 1912 to 1914 and 1920 to 1939, was founded by Ernest Jouin (1844–1932), a Catholic priest. Its first issue opened with the statement: "De nos jours, la société secrète est la maîtresse du monde. En douter serait puéril; s'en désintéresser serait coupable." ("These days, the secret society rules the world. To doubt this would be childish, to ignore it would be a crime.")
Ligue Anti-Judéomaçonnique Le Franc-Catholique (ed.): Revue internationale des Sociétés secretes 1,1 (January 1912), title page; image source: Library of Max Nettlau, Courtesy International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, http://socialhistory.org/.