A German version of the poem "Die Sternenwelten" (The Star Worlds) was published in 1814 under the name of Johann Georg Fellinger (1781–1816) and set to music by Franz Schubert (1797–1828), but there was no recognizable trace back to the original slovene text of 1812 by Urban Jarnik (1784–1844)– one of the many examples of the (often unrecognized) cultural transfer through translation.
Franz Schubert (1797–1828), Die Sternenwelten, song based on a poem by Urban Jarnik (1784–1844), translated from the Slovene language by Johann Georg Fellinger (1781–1816), soprano: Bernarda Fink, piano: Gerold Huber; audio source: https://www.harmoniamundi.com/de/alben/lieder-6/, © Harmonia Mundi 2008.