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Medien, verstanden als Techniken zur massenhaften Verbreitung von Aussagen an große Publika, sind in der Menschheitsgeschichte erst spät aufgetreten. Lange ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Media Genres
Media defined as technology for the mass distribution of messages to large audiences are a recent phenomenon in human history. For a long time, the printing ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Das Medium Buch hat als portabler Wissensspeicher schon immer maßgeblich zur Entstehung von Kulturräumen beigetragen. Seiner Natur nach von Sprache abhängig, ...
by Ernst Fischer
Book Market
The medium of the book, as a portable store of knowledge, has always made a central contribution to the rise of cultural areas. Dependent by its nature on ...
by Ernst Fischer
Dutch Book Trade
In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic witnessed its Golden Age. The reasons for this phenomenon are diverse, but it impacted all branches of Dutch society, ...
by Paul G. Hoftijzer


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