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"Science" is a key concept of modern culture. It is characterized in a unique way both by the adherence to strict principles and by a large degree of openness. ...
by Paul Ziche , Joppe van Driel
"Wissenschaft" ist ein Schlüsselbegriff insbesondere moderner kultureller Konstellationen, der in eigentümlicher Weise zugleich durch strikte Verbindlichkeit ...
by Paul Ziche , Joppe van Driel
For some, the governesses of the 19th century were supposedly melancholic and prim wallflowers. For others, they were a worldly generation of women with ...
by Gunilla Budde
Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer
Wer kennt nicht die abenteuerlichen Geschichten von Forschungsreisenden und Entdeckern, die mutig in See stachen, um unter harten Entbehrungen der Wahrheit und ...
by Veronika Lipphardt , David Ludwig
Die einen sehen in den Gouvernanten im 19. Jahrhundert die vermeintlich melancholisch-prüden Mauerblümchen, andere eine weltgewandte Frauengeneration mit ...
by Gunilla Budde
Knowledge Transfer and Science Transfer
We are all familiar with stories of the daring voyages of discoverers and researchers who braved the seas and severe privation in the service of truth and ...
by Veronika Lipphardt , David Ludwig
German Education and Science
Prior to the 19th century, poetry, rhetoric, historiography and moral philosophy were considered particularly valuable to humane education, as they transmitted ...
by Bas van Bommel
Intellectual and Academic Networks
Intellectual and academic networks in the period 1450 to 1800 were structured by diverse connections between persons, including letters, and by academic ...
by Dirk van Miert


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