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Translatio Imperii im Moskauer Russland
Für die christliche Kaiserherrschaft sowohl im oströmisch-byzantinischen Reich wie im Heiligen Römischen Reich war in der historischen Abfolge der Weltreiche, ...
by Edgar Hösch
Jewish Migration
Were (and are) Jewish migrations predominantly the result of persecution and discrimination or were economic motives their main cause? This survey of the ...
by Tobias Brinkmann
Kirche und 'Türkengefahr'
Seit der Eroberung Anatoliens durch türkische Stammeskrieger unter der Führung des seldschukischen Prinzen Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts ...
by Mariano Delgado
Spaces of Courtly Display
In the medieval and early modern periods, courtly spaces were defined by the presence of the prince (Fürst) and his court. These spaces formed at different ...
by Ulrich Schütte
Nature and Environment
This article approaches the communication space and social construct of Europe from the perspective of environmental history and traces the commonalities and ...
by Nils Freytag
Religions- und Konfessionsräume
Europa ist ein Raum, den die drei monotheistischen Religionen Christentum, Judentum und Islam – allerdings in unterschiedlicher Intensität – gestaltet haben: ...
by Heinrich Richard Schmidt
Dynastic Marriage
The often-quoted "family of princes" was at no time a truly pan-European network, but represented rather a collection of various marriage circles defined first ...
by Heinz Duchhardt
The medieval mind was unable to differentiate between temporal and spiritual law. Law was conceived as a unitary precept with a religious-metaphysical ...
by Martin Otto
Media Genres
Media defined as technology for the mass distribution of messages to large audiences are a recent phenomenon in human history. For a long time, the printing ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Ottoman History of South-East Europe
The era of Ottoman Rule, which began in the fourteenth century, is among the most controversial chapters of South-East European history. Over several stages of ...
by Markus Koller


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