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Europe developed an independent existence in terms of its function as a cultural reference point. Initially conceived of as an independent entity within the ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Europäische Medienereignisse
Räumliche und kulturelle Konstrukte wie Europa konstituieren sich im hohen Maße über Kommunikation. Diese verdichtete sich seit 1500 immer wieder in ...
by Frank Bösch
From the "Turkish Menace" to Orientalism
During their often difficult encounters with their Muslim neighbours in North Africa and the Middle East over many centuries, Europeans developed various ...
by Felix Konrad
Global Health
The worldwide spread of the European type of medicine has taken place since the early modern period, above all through trade settlements, Christian missionary ...
by Walter Bruchhausen
In the history of land, different dimensions overlap which are, strictly speaking, not interdependent. Land was simultaneously sovereign territory, the basis ...
by Frank Uekötter
Trading Companies
Starting in the late medieval period, European long-distance trading activities increased in volume and density over a long period. Consequently, the capital ...
by Mark Häberlein
Islamische Netzwerke
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden unter dem Begriff "Islamische Netzwerke" islamische Bildungsnetzwerke verstanden, also interpersonale Beziehungsgeflechte von ...
by Thomas Eich
Das "niederländische Jahrhundert"
Die Geschichte der Niederlande im 17. Jahrhundert wird traditionell in Superlativen charakterisiert – das "Goldene Zeitalter" oder "A Miracle Mirrored", um nur ...
by Dagmar Freist
The Pyrenees Region
The Pyrenees region encompasses areas from the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of France and the Principality of Andorra. It is also linguistically ...
by Friedrich Edelmayer
Dem Mittelalter war eine Trennung von weltlichem und geistlichem Recht fremd. Es gab einen einheitlichen Rechtsbegriff, der religiös-metaphysisch begründet ...
by Martin Otto


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