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Cultural Transfer
Cultural transfers have occurred in all historical periods, but it is possible to discern trends and distinct periods. It is only through these transfers that ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Dieser Beitrag bietet eine Einführung in die Historiographie, Tendenzen und Methoden der historischen Grenzforschung. Der erste Abschnitt macht den Leser mit ...
by Bernhard Struck
The term "pseudoscience" is used to imply that a person or group who is using the term "science" to describe their activities, thereby laying claim to the ...
by Ute Frietsch
Kulturelle Transfers finden zu allen historischen Zeiten statt, aber es lassen sich Konjunkturen und Epochen unterscheiden. Erst durch solche Transfers kann ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
"Historical Meso-Region"
The research design of "historical meso-regions" (Geschichtsregionen) is a transnational comparative method that has been developed in the historical ...
by Stefan Troebst
Model Italy
The "Italian Model" or "Modèle italien" is perhaps the oldest and most common in our received tradition of writing histories of this type of narrative because ...
by Cornel Zwierlein
Modell Italien
Das "Modell Italien" oder "Modèle italien" ist das wohl älteste und geläufigste in unserer Tradition der Geschichtsschreibung dieser Art, seit Fernand Braudel ...
by Cornel Zwierlein
Knowledge Transfer and Science Transfer
We are all familiar with stories of the daring voyages of discoverers and researchers who braved the seas and severe privation in the service of truth and ...
by Veronika Lipphardt , David Ludwig
Transnationale Geschichte
Der Beitrag grenzt Gegenstand und Zugriff der transnationalen Geschichte ein und setzt sie zur europäischen Geschichte in Beziehung. Transnationale Geschichte ...
by Klaus Kiran Patel
Border Regions
This article discusses the historiography and methods of historical borderlands research, as well as research trends in this area. The first section describes ...
by Bernhard Struck


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