Galenos of Pergamon, also known as Claudius Galenos, was a Greek physician and anatomist. Born in Pergamon, he studied medicine near what is today İzmir from ca. 146 and specialised in anatomy. In 161 he moved to Rome and became the personal physician of Commodus (161–192), the son of emperor Marc Aurel (121–180). His most important body of work Methodus medendi is comprised of 16 books and belongs to the most significant works of medicine of its day.
Galenos of Pergamon (129 until after 204), Statue in the Palazzo dell’ Archiginnasio, Bologna, [n.y.], photograph: Luca Borghi; source: Wikimedia Commons,,_Bologna,_Italy_-_the_statue_of_Galenus.JPG, public domain.