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Mission, Kolonialismus und Wertewandel
Der Beitrag beschreibt Missionsprozesse in der (Frühen) Neuzeit und analysiert das Spannungsverhältnis zum Kolonialismus. Dabei ist strikt zwischen ...
by Michael Sievernich
The term "internationalism" denotes a variety of impulses and initiatives that favoured and facilitated cooperation between individuals, groups, organisations ...
by Daniel Laqua
The Young Men's Christian Association is one of the largest and oldest youth movements in the world. From the perspective of organisation studies, the YMCA can ...
by Martti Muukkonen
Orthodoxe Mission
Wenn von der europäischen Mission der Neuzeit die Rede ist, denkt man zumeist an römisch-katholische oder protestantische Unternehmungen. Doch auch die ...
by Ciprian Burlacioiu
First World War
During the course of the First World War, the armed forces involved increasingly attempted to construct individual incidents of the war as media events in an ...
by Christian Götter
The region that we now call Europe has never been a clear, self-contained entity in geographical, historical, or cultural terms. Rather, the constitutive ...
by Eva-Maria Troelenberg
Mission, colonialism, and changing values
The article describes missionary processes in the (early) modern period and analyzes the tension that existed with colonialism. In this context, a strict ...
by Michael Sievernich
Transfer of European legal norms
The transfer of legal norms is a distinct feature of European legal history. There has been mutual influence of legal norms across national and linguistic ...
by Wilhelm Brauneder
Imperien und "composite states"
Imperien und "composite states" waren vormoderne Herrschaftsgebilde, die in politischer, administrativer, wirtschaftlicher, rechtlicher und kultureller ...
by Dorothée Goetze , Michael Rohrschneider
In the period 1450–1900, Europeans travelled to places both near and far, encountering landscapes and people. These encounters changed the world. New contact ...
by Doris Gruber


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