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Der Völkerbund war die erste internationale Organisation, die soziale, kulturelle, technische, wirtschaftliche, politische und militärische Kooperationen unter ...
by Isabella Löhr
League of Nations
The League of Nations was the first international organisation to unite as many important fields as possible of human life under one roof. Yet, as well as ...
by Isabella Löhr
Als Panturkismus wird die Idee bezeichnet, alle turksprachigen Völker des Kaukasus, des Wolga-Ural-Gebietes, der Krim, Vorder- und Zentralasiens unter dem Dach ...
by Berna Pekesen
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars
The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars represented continuity in European diplomacy from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century, but witnessed ...
by Frederik C. Schneid
Emigration: Europe and Asia
The emergence of colonial migration circuits between Europe and Asia followed the ascendency of European mercantile and military power. In the early 19th ...
by Ulbe Bosma
Alliances and Treaties
This article explores how the use of alliances and treaties changed along with the developments in the European international order in the modern era. ...
by Mike Rapport
Settler Colonies
Beginning in the early modern age, European settler colonies were founded first beyond the Atlantic Ocean and later in the Pacific, but not in Asia. The ...
by Christoph Marx
Allianzen und Verträge
In diesem Artikel soll untersucht werden, wie sich die Gestaltung von Bündnissen und Verträgen angesichts der neuzeitlichen Entwicklungen innerhalb der ...
by Mike Rapport
Greek War of Independence
This article deals with developments leading up to, the unfolding of and the outcome of the Greek War of Independence which began in 1821, while focusing in ...
by Ioannis Zelepos
Decolonization and Revolution
Decolonization is a central historical trend. Occurring in four broad phases from 1776 up to 1991, it has shaped the present-day global system of states ...
by Fabian Klose


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