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The term "internationalism" denotes a variety of impulses and initiatives that favoured and facilitated cooperation between individuals, groups, organisations ...
by Daniel Laqua
Als Panturkismus wird die Idee bezeichnet, alle turksprachigen Völker des Kaukasus, des Wolga-Ural-Gebietes, der Krim, Vorder- und Zentralasiens unter dem Dach ...
by Berna Pekesen
Ausgehend vom russisch-imperialen Panslawismus und demokratisch-nationalen Austroslawismus thematisiert der Beitrag einführend die slawischen ...
by Lars Karl , Adamantios Skordos
Political Networks
International political networks became increasingly significant in Europe from the late-18th century onward. The parliamentarization of the system of ...
by Andreas Fahrmeir
Between roughly 1880 and 1945, various macro-nationalistic ideologies appeared on the socio-political scene of the world. Based on ethnicity (pan-Slavism, ...
by Tilman Lüdke
Pan-Turkism is the name given to the idea of uniting all Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus, the Volga-Ural region, the Crimea, Western and Central Asia ...
by Berna Pekesen
This article introduces Slavic unity concepts of the "long" 19th century based on Russian imperial Pan-Slavism and democratic national Austro-Slavism. In the ...
by Lars Karl , Adamantios Skordos
Zwischen ungefähr 1880 und 1945 entstanden auf der sozio-politischen Szene der Welt verschiedene makro-nationalistische Ideologien. Sie gründeten sich entweder ...
by Tilman Lüdke
Politische Netzwerke
Länderübergreifende politische Netzwerke gewannen seit dem ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert in Europa an Bedeutung. Grundlage dafür war die Parlamentarisierung ...
by Andreas Fahrmeir
The term "Reich" is found in a variety of European languages and has several applications in German. "Das Reich" is different, however, and it derives its ...
by Joachim Whaley


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