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Printed Catechisms have been durable and persistent media of religious transfer. The reformation era brought them to particular prominence. Luther's Small ...
by Mary Jane Haemig
Protestant Mission
The Protestant churches that emerged from the Reformation movements of the 12th to the 16th centuries arrived late to efforts to spread Christianity, which ...
by Andreas Feldtkeller
Protestantische Mission
Die aus den Reformationsbewegungen des 12. bis 16. Jahrhunderts hervorgegangenen protestantischen Kirchen beteiligten sich nur zeitverzögert an den Bemühungen ...
by Andreas Feldtkeller
Religions- und Konfessionsräume
Europa ist ein Raum, den die drei monotheistischen Religionen Christentum, Judentum und Islam – allerdings in unterschiedlicher Intensität – gestaltet haben: ...
by Heinrich Richard Schmidt
Religious and Confessional Spaces
Europe is a space that has been formed – albeit to varying degrees – by the three monotheistic religions Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. In fact, the ...
by Heinrich Richard Schmidt


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