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This article begins – drawing on research on imaginations of the Balkans – with a critical discussion of the representation of the Balkans as a border region, ...
by Ulf Brunnbauer
Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer
Wer kennt nicht die abenteuerlichen Geschichten von Forschungsreisenden und Entdeckern, die mutig in See stachen, um unter harten Entbehrungen der Wahrheit und ...
by Veronika Lipphardt , David Ludwig
Europäische Begegnungen
Der Beitrag analysiert die europäische Expansion in Übersee und die vielfältigen Begegnungen zwischen europäischen Seefahrern, Entdeckern, Eroberern, ...
by Guido Abbattista
Netzwerke muslimischer Bruderschaften
Mit der osmanischen Herrschaft dehnten sich in Südosteuropa seit dem 14. Jahrhundert Netzwerke muslimischer Bruderschaften aus, die sich im Zuge politischer, ...
by Nathalie Clayer
This article provides an overview of economic globalization in the modern period. It includes an overview of the main phases of the history of globalization, ...
by Ulrich Pfister
Christian Networks
Modern network analysis is extremely useful when investigating not only the relationships between individuals and within groups and institutions, but also ...
by Markus Wriedt
Historically, "population" has been an indispensable and ostensibly unambiguous concept – "population" encompasses the inhabitants of a specific territory at a ...
by Corinna Unger , Heinrich Hartmann
Economic Relations
This article sketches the beginnings and central trends in the development of economic ties between Europe and regions outside Europe from 1450 to 1950. The ...
by Rolf Walter
Islamic Law and Transfer of Law
The question of external influences on Islamic law arises in particular with reference to the time it first emerged and to the reform movements of the last two ...
by Richard Potz
Colonialism and Imperialism
The colonial encirclement of the world is an integral component of European history from the Early Modern Period to the phase of decolonisation. Individual ...
by Benedikt Stuchtey


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