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Freizeit und Technik
Generalisierend betrachtet hat die verfügbare Freizeit seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts immer weiter zugenommen; diese Entwicklung mündete in den 1980er Jahren ...
by Stefan Poser
Leisure Time and Technology
Generally speaking, the amount of available leisure time continually increased from the mid-19th century onward. This development culminated in Western Europe ...
by Stefan Poser
In the period 1450–1900, Europeans travelled to places both near and far, encountering landscapes and people. These encounters changed the world. New contact ...
by Doris Gruber
Die Bedeutung des Tourismus wird von zahlreichen Wissenschaften immer wieder neu ausgemessen. Die sozio-ökonomische Verortung des Globalsystems Tourismus im ...
by Ueli Gyr
Zwischen dem 18. und dem 20. Jahrhundert werden alpine Gipfel aus vollkommen unterschiedlichen Gründen von ebenso unterschiedlichen Gruppen von Akteuren ...
by Burkhart Lauterbach
Various academic disciplines have repeatedly sought to re-evaluate the significance of tourism. Globalised tourism's socio-economic place within the framework ...
by Ueli Gyr
Educational Journey, Grand Tour
The following discussion focuses travelling for education and knowledge acquisition which was common in Europe among aristocratic and bourgeois families in the ...
by Mathis Leibetseder
Kurorte stellen einen besonderen Typus europäischen urbanen und touristischen Lebens zwischen dem 16. und dem 19. Jahrhundert dar. Unabhängig davon, ob sie im ...
by Ute Lotz-Heumann
Alpine tourism
Between the 18th and the 20th century, Alpine peaks were explored and conquered for completely different reasons by equally different groups of actors. They ...
by Burkhart Lauterbach
Spas represent a special type of European urban and tourist space between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Many spas were not towns in the legal sense of the ...
by Ute Lotz-Heumann


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