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The term "pseudoscience" is used to imply that a person or group who is using the term "science" to describe their activities, thereby laying claim to the ...
by Ute Frietsch
Kulturelle Transfers finden zu allen historischen Zeiten statt, aber es lassen sich Konjunkturen und Epochen unterscheiden. Erst durch solche Transfers kann ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Forced Ethnic Migration
Movements of peoples due to nationality and ethnicity occurred on an unprecedented scale over the course of the 20th century during the formation of nations ...
by Holm Sundhaussen
Zensur und Pressefreiheit
Zensur als Mittel der Kommunikationskontrolle gab es schon in der Antike. Eine maßgebliche Bedeutung erhielt sie aber erst in der Frühen Neuzeit mit der ...
by Jürgen Wilke
European Media Events
Spatial and cultural constructions such as "Europe" constitute themselves to a considerable extent through communication. Since 1500, the conception of Europe ...
by Frank Bösch
Emigration 1933–1945/1950
National Socialism destroyed and displaced the unique culture of the short-lived Weimar Republic The forced emigration of most of its representatives meant ...
by Claus-Dieter Krohn
Racism did not appear in one particular place or on a specific date. This article investigates the different aspects that characterised the development of ...
by Boris Barth
Wittenberg Reformation
Based on publishing statistics, this article traces the complexity of early Reformation processes of communication and depicts the most significant literary ...
by Marcel Nieden
Throughout European history monarchs, states, and governments have claimed the right to select men and force them to serve in the military. Modern ...
by Kevin Linch
Levée en Masse
When faced, in 1793, with the prospect of defeat, the National Convention issued an appeal for a levée en masse, which, theoretically, placed the entire ...
by Ambrogio A. Caiani


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