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Mental Maps
Spatial concepts such as "Europe", the "West" or the "Mediterranean region" not only define political debate, but also the historiographical discourse. ...
by Frithjof Benjamin Schenk
Der Alpenraum liegt zwischen mehreren dicht besiedelten europäischen Ländern. Er besteht aus einem Gebirgsbogen von 1.200 Kilometern Länge, der von vielen ...
by Jon Mathieu
Jewish Networks
Jewish networks are the far-reaching transterritorial and transcultural channels of communication between Jews and Jewries. They formed as a result of the ...
by Mirjam Thulin
Krieg (1450–1789)
Zwischen 1450 und 1789 teilten so gut wie alle Europäer die Erfahrung des Krieges. Obwohl zu dieser Zeit neue Kriegsursachen und Technologien entstanden, gab ...
by Aaron Graham
Seit dem späten Mittelalter ist in Europa eine langfristige Zunahme und Verdichtung weiträumiger Handelsaktivitäten festzustellen, die mit einem wachsenden ...
by Mark Häberlein
Amerikanische Revolution
Die Amerikanische Revolution war nicht nur deshalb ein europäisches Medienereignis, weil sie überall in Europa von Medien thematisiert wurde, sondern auch ...
by Frank Becker
The Hanseatic League
The Hanseatic League was a late-medieval network of economically largely independent long-distance trade merchants which was based on trust, reputation and ...
by Margrit Schulte Beerbühl
Europe developed an independent existence in terms of its function as a cultural reference point. Initially conceived of as an independent entity within the ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
From the "Turkish Menace" to Orientalism
During their often difficult encounters with their Muslim neighbours in North Africa and the Middle East over many centuries, Europeans developed various ...
by Felix Konrad
Emigration Across the Atlantic
Emigration across the Atlantic by Europeans during the 19th and 20th centuries, and especially during the so-called age of mass European migration from 1850 to ...
by Irial Glynn


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