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News Distribution
The human need for news and communication about news has been fulfilled in various ways in different eras and cultures by diverse technical means. Beginning ...
by Andreas Würgler
Transfergeschichtlich betrachtet, spielt Religion für die europäische Geschichte gleich mehrfach eine wichtige Rolle. Als Phänomen prägte sie einerseits ...
by Jörg Rüpke
Istanbul als Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher europäischer Diplomatie
Spätestens seit dem 16. Jahrhundert war Istanbul zu einer Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher Diplomatie geworden, die weit über Europa hinauswies. Die Hauptstadt ...
by Christine Vogel
Expulsion of the Muslims from Spain
Between 1609 and 1614 the Moriscos were expelled from Spain for political and religious reasons. All Morisco communities had to leave their villages in Spain. ...
by Luis Fernando Bernabé-Pons
Balkan Reiseberichte
Der Balkan war und ist multiethnische Scharnierregion, intensiver Kontakt-, Begegnungs- und Konfliktraum. Spätestens mit der Europäischen Integration geraten ...
by Christoph Lorke
From the perspective of transfer history, religion has played an important role in European history in a number of ways. On the one hand, as a phenomenon it ...
by Jörg Rüpke
The Mediterranean region is a contact zone between Africa, Asia, and Europe – a "fluid continent" (Gabriel Audisio), where religious and cultural, political ...
by Manuel Borutta
Istanbul as a hub of early modern European diplomacy
By the 16th century at the latest, Istanbul had become a hub of early modern diplomacy that radiated to points far beyond Europe. The capital of the Ottoman ...
by Christine Vogel
Anatomical theatre
The anatomical theatre was a central medical institution in the early modern period. Designed and realized as sites of medical teaching, its manifestations ...
by Marion Mücke , Thomas Schnalke
Mission, Kolonialismus und Wertewandel
Der Beitrag beschreibt Missionsprozesse in der (Frühen) Neuzeit und analysiert das Spannungsverhältnis zum Kolonialismus. Dabei ist strikt zwischen ...
by Michael Sievernich


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