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European Media Events
Spatial and cultural constructions such as "Europe" constitute themselves to a considerable extent through communication. Since 1500, the conception of Europe ...
by Frank Bösch
Racism did not appear in one particular place or on a specific date. This article investigates the different aspects that characterised the development of ...
by Boris Barth
Throughout European history monarchs, states, and governments have claimed the right to select men and force them to serve in the military. Modern ...
by Kevin Linch
Levée en Masse
When faced, in 1793, with the prospect of defeat, the National Convention issued an appeal for a levée en masse, which, theoretically, placed the entire ...
by Ambrogio A. Caiani
French Revolution
The French Revolution can be considered an epochal medial event in two ways. First, it resulted from an unprecedented explosion of text, images and oral media ...
by Rolf Reichardt
Prozesse, die zur europäischen Kultur im Singular führten, können unter dem Begriff der Europäisierung zusammengefasst werden. Die meisten ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
"Historical Meso-Region"
The research design of "historical meso-regions" (Geschichtsregionen) is a transnational comparative method that has been developed in the historical ...
by Stefan Troebst
Abolitionismus im transatlantischen Raum
Die in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts entstehende Bewegung gegen Sklavenhandel und Sklaverei hatte ihre Wurzeln im angloamerikanischen Raum und ...
by Birgitta Bader-Zaar
Censorship and Freedom of the Press
Censorship as a means of controlling communication has existed since classical antiquity. However, it became significantly more important in the early modern ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Katholische Mission
Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die katholische Mission in der Neuzeit, bei der zwei Phasen zu unterscheiden sind. Die frühneuzeitliche Phase vom 16. bis ...
by Michael Sievernich


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