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For some, the governesses of the 19th century were supposedly melancholic and prim wallflowers. For others, they were a worldly generation of women with ...
by Gunilla Budde
Women's Movements
This article traces the formation of a first wave of transnational organizing among women from the late 19th century through the Second World War. The ...
by Leila J. Rupp
Deutsch-dänischer Grenzraum
Der deutsch-dänische Grenzraum gilt heute als europaweites Vorbild im Umgang mit nationalen Minderheiten und Musterbeispiel eines dauerhaften Grenzfriedens. ...
by Oliver Auge
Colonial Exhibitions and 'Völkerschauen'
The term 'Völkerschau' became common in the 19th century and denoted the exhibition of members of particular ethnic groups, above all for commercial reasons. ...
by Anne Dreesbach
Die einen sehen in den Gouvernanten im 19. Jahrhundert die vermeintlich melancholisch-prüden Mauerblümchen, andere eine weltgewandte Frauengeneration mit ...
by Gunilla Budde
Muslim Brotherhood Networks
From the fourteenth century onwards, Muslim brotherhood networks spread throughout South-Eastern Europe in the wake of Ottoman domination. They were subject to ...
by Nathalie Clayer
International Organisations and Congresses
This article first clarifies the various definitions of international organisations. It then describes their historical development in the 19th century, with ...
by Volker Barth
Internationale Organisationen und Kongresse
Der Beitrag erläutert zunächst verschiedene Definitionen von internationalen Organisationen. Anschließend zeichnet er deren historische Entwicklung im 19. ...
by Volker Barth
Economic Migration Early Modern Europe
Human beings in pre-modern Europe were intensely mobile, despite restrictions in many places, such as those due to serfdom. On a seasonal or permanent basis, ...
by Klaus Weber
The Pyrenees Region
The Pyrenees region encompasses areas from the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of France and the Principality of Andorra. It is also linguistically ...
by Friedrich Edelmayer


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