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Als kulturelle Referenz entfaltete Europa ein Eigenleben. Zunächst entstand ein Begriff und ein Bild von Europa als etwas Eigenem, das für sich in der Oikumene ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
The "West" as Enemy in Orthodoxy
In the modern period, for eastern Christianity "the west" has been a foil which served to differentiate and distance. The historical roots of this ...
by Thomas Bremer
Istanbul als Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher europäischer Diplomatie
Spätestens seit dem 16. Jahrhundert war Istanbul zu einer Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher Diplomatie geworden, die weit über Europa hinauswies. Die Hauptstadt ...
by Christine Vogel
Europe developed an independent existence in terms of its function as a cultural reference point. Initially conceived of as an independent entity within the ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Emigration: Europe and Asia
The emergence of colonial migration circuits between Europe and Asia followed the ascendency of European mercantile and military power. In the early 19th ...
by Ulbe Bosma
Istanbul as a hub of early modern European diplomacy
By the 16th century at the latest, Istanbul had become a hub of early modern diplomacy that radiated to points far beyond Europe. The capital of the Ottoman ...
by Christine Vogel
Migration from the Colonies
Colonialism not only stimulated more than 60 million Europeans to migrate overseas, it also brought millions of Asians, Africans and Amerindians to Europe. In ...
by Pieter C. Emmer , Leo Lucassen


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