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Zionism before 1914
The longing for Zion, the hope that the dispersed Jews would be brought back to Eretz Israel, the land of Israel, had always been present in Judaism. However, ...
by Kerstin Armborst-Weihs
Osmanen und christliche Verbündete
Beziehungen zwischen Osmanen und Christen bestanden nicht aus ständiger Feindschaft und Konflikten, wie gemeinhin angenommen. Die Osmanen beschäftigten ...
by Emrah Safa Gürkan
Kirche und 'Türkengefahr'
Seit der Eroberung Anatoliens durch türkische Stammeskrieger unter der Führung des seldschukischen Prinzen Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts ...
by Mariano Delgado
Christian Allies of the Ottoman Empire
The relationship between the Ottomans and the Christians did not evolve around continuous hostility and conflict, as is generally assumed. The Ottomans ...
by Emrah Safa Gürkan
Istanbul als Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher europäischer Diplomatie
Spätestens seit dem 16. Jahrhundert war Istanbul zu einer Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher Diplomatie geworden, die weit über Europa hinauswies. Die Hauptstadt ...
by Christine Vogel
Church and 'Turkish Threat'
Following the conquest of Anatolia by Turkish tribal warriors led by Seljuk prince Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş at the end of the 11th century, a view of the "Turks" ...
by Mariano Delgado
Istanbul as a hub of early modern European diplomacy
By the 16th century at the latest, Istanbul had become a hub of early modern diplomacy that radiated to points far beyond Europe. The capital of the Ottoman ...
by Christine Vogel


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