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News Distribution
The human need for news and communication about news has been fulfilled in various ways in different eras and cultures by diverse technical means. Beginning ...
by Andreas Würgler
Humanistic Letter-Writing
In Antiquity the letter was defined as a conversation between absent friends. This "familiar letter" was rediscovered during the early Renaissance, eventually ...
by Gábor Almási
Die Hanse war eine spätmittelalterliche, auf Vertrauen, Reputation und Gegenseitigkeit basierende Netzwerkorganisation von wirtschaftlich weitgehend ...
by Margrit Schulte Beerbühl
Italienische Küche
Die italienische Küche hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stärkeren Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Essgewohnheiten gehabt als jede andere nationale Küche. ...
by Ulrike Thoms
This article begins – drawing on research on imaginations of the Balkans – with a critical discussion of the representation of the Balkans as a border region, ...
by Ulf Brunnbauer
Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer
Wer kennt nicht die abenteuerlichen Geschichten von Forschungsreisenden und Entdeckern, die mutig in See stachen, um unter harten Entbehrungen der Wahrheit und ...
by Veronika Lipphardt , David Ludwig
Europäische Begegnungen
Der Beitrag analysiert die europäische Expansion in Übersee und die vielfältigen Begegnungen zwischen europäischen Seefahrern, Entdeckern, Eroberern, ...
by Guido Abbattista
Comparative History
This article traces the fate of historical comparison in the discipline of history and discusses its function, capacities, and theoretical and methodological ...
by Thomas Welskopp
Yellow Peril
As the counterpart to the narrative of European superiority, the fear of Japan and China has had a place in the history of Europe since the 1890s, when the ...
by Thoralf Klein
This article provides an overview of economic globalization in the modern period. It includes an overview of the main phases of the history of globalization, ...
by Ulrich Pfister


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