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Ashkenazi Jews
This article describes the history of Jews in Eastern Europe which has its beginnings at the end of the Middle Ages when Jews migrated from their former homes ...
by Predrag Bukovec
Essen und Trinken
An kaum einer alltagskulturellen Praxis lassen sich die Transformationsprozesse der europäischen Kultur so deutlich nachzeichnen wie an der täglichen ...
by Gunther Hirschfelder , Manuel Trummer
The "West" as Enemy in Orthodoxy
In the modern period, for eastern Christianity "the west" has been a foil which served to differentiate and distance. The historical roots of this ...
by Thomas Bremer
European Overseas Rule
The development of European world rule, founded in the 16th century, exhibited considerable regional and temporal deviation in terms of its extent and ...
by Reinhard Wendt
Christian Mission
Following the adoption of Christianity by the European peoples in the course of a thousand years, the trans-cultural dissemination of Christian faith in the ...
by Michael Sievernich
Istanbul als Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher europäischer Diplomatie
Spätestens seit dem 16. Jahrhundert war Istanbul zu einer Drehscheibe frühneuzeitlicher Diplomatie geworden, die weit über Europa hinauswies. Die Hauptstadt ...
by Christine Vogel
Interkonfessionelle Unionsbestrebungen
Die Unionen von Teilen der Ostkirchen mit der Kirche von Rom waren seit dem 16. Jahrhundert auf römischer Seite durch eine antireformatorische, papstzentrierte ...
by Barbara Hallensleben , Ernst Christoph Suttner
Balkan Reiseberichte
Der Balkan war und ist multiethnische Scharnierregion, intensiver Kontakt-, Begegnungs- und Konfliktraum. Spätestens mit der Europäischen Integration geraten ...
by Christoph Lorke
Red Cross and Red Crescent
Out of the Geneva Committee for the relief of wounded soldiers and the development of international law, which was founded in 1863, developed the International ...
by Esther Möller
Istanbul as a hub of early modern European diplomacy
By the 16th century at the latest, Istanbul had become a hub of early modern diplomacy that radiated to points far beyond Europe. The capital of the Ottoman ...
by Christine Vogel


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