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Emigration Across the Atlantic
Emigration across the Atlantic by Europeans during the 19th and 20th centuries, and especially during the so-called age of mass European migration from 1850 to ...
by Irial Glynn
Global Health
The worldwide spread of the European type of medicine has taken place since the early modern period, above all through trade settlements, Christian missionary ...
by Walter Bruchhausen
In the history of land, different dimensions overlap which are, strictly speaking, not interdependent. Land was simultaneously sovereign territory, the basis ...
by Frank Uekötter
Trading Companies
Starting in the late medieval period, European long-distance trading activities increased in volume and density over a long period. Consequently, the capital ...
by Mark Häberlein
Islamische Netzwerke
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden unter dem Begriff "Islamische Netzwerke" islamische Bildungsnetzwerke verstanden, also interpersonale Beziehungsgeflechte von ...
by Thomas Eich
Religious Orders
The history of the Christian churches as transnational and global actors is reflected in the history of Christian religious orders and communities. The ...
by Joachim Schmiedl
Warfare (1450–1789)
Warfare was one of the few experiences between 1453 and 1789 that almost every European had in common. Although new causes and technologies emerged during this ...
by Aaron Graham
Modernisierung ist seit fünfzig Jahren einer der am intensivsten verhandelten Begriffe der theoretischen und historischen Sozialwissenschaft. Im Verlauf dieser ...
by Thomas Mergel
Colonial Exhibitions and 'Völkerschauen'
The term 'Völkerschau' became common in the 19th century and denoted the exhibition of members of particular ethnic groups, above all for commercial reasons. ...
by Anne Dreesbach
Model America
Early on, the USA – "America" – became a point of reference within European consciousnesses against which European societies could analyse themselves. At the ...
by Marcus Gräser


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