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Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit Wasser als Substanz und historischer Materie. Dabei stehen vor allem die unterschiedlichen Funktionen im Vordergrund, die ...
by Franziska Torma
Der Chassidismus ist eine mystische religiöse Erneuerungsbewegung im Judentum, die unter dem Einfluss kabbalistischer Strömungen von der in Polen wirkenden ...
by Yeshayahu Balog , Matthias Morgenstern
British and American Constitutional Models
While in the 18th century enthusiasm for the liberal British constitution was a central element in continental Anglophilia, the American Revolution brought a ...
by Horst Dippel
Kirche und 'Türkengefahr'
Seit der Eroberung Anatoliens durch türkische Stammeskrieger unter der Führung des seldschukischen Prinzen Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts ...
by Mariano Delgado
Colonial Law
This article reconstructs the development process of colonial law in Europe and discusses the relationship between colonial law and international law. The ...
by Luigi Nuzzo
Zionism until 1948
This article traces the history of European-shaped Zionism during and after the First World War until the founding of Israel in 1948. Its primary aim is to ...
by Martin Kloke
"The West"
This article explores the transformation of the directional concept "the west" into the socio-political concept "the West". From the early 19th century onward, ...
by Riccardo Bavaj
Socialist International
Solidarity across borders is part of the core programme of the workers' movement. The International Working Men's Association, which was established in 1864, ...
by Bernd Rother
Rechtsräume, Rechtskreise
Die Lehre von den Rechtskreisen versucht, die Gesamtheit des globalen Rechtsstoffes nach bestimmten Kriterien in größere Gruppen von Rechtsordnungen ...
by Barbara Dölemeyer
Ottoman History of South-East Europe
The era of Ottoman Rule, which began in the fourteenth century, is among the most controversial chapters of South-East European history. Over several stages of ...
by Markus Koller


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