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Levée en Masse
Angesichts der drohenden Niederlage rief der Nationalkonvent 1793 die levée en masse aus, eine militärische Massenaushebung, die theoretisch die gesamte ...
by Ambrogio A. Caiani
Historically, "population" has been an indispensable and ostensibly unambiguous concept – "population" encompasses the inhabitants of a specific territory at a ...
by Corinna Unger , Heinrich Hartmann
Werkstatt und Fabrik
Dieser Beitrag untersucht Räume der gewerblichen Arbeit vom 15. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Werkstätten, Manufakturen und Fabriken lassen sich insofern in ihrer ...
by Karsten Uhl
Armenian trade networks
The emergence and development as well as the structure and functioning of an early modern diasporic trade network may be illustrated on the basis of the ...
by Tamara Ganjalyan
Economic Relations
This article sketches the beginnings and central trends in the development of economic ties between Europe and regions outside Europe from 1450 to 1950. The ...
by Rolf Walter
Islamic Law and Transfer of Law
The question of external influences on Islamic law arises in particular with reference to the time it first emerged and to the reform movements of the last two ...
by Richard Potz
Colonialism and Imperialism
The colonial encirclement of the world is an integral component of European history from the Early Modern Period to the phase of decolonisation. Individual ...
by Benedikt Stuchtey
Confessional Migration of the Huguenots
This article investigates the conditions and consequences of one of the most significant transfer processes in early modern Europe: the migration of the ...
by Ute Lotz-Heumann
Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions
What is recognized worldwide and under International Law as "military" is ultimately based on the adoption of western organizational concepts. These concepts ...
by Philip Martin Rink
Osmanische Geschichte Südosteuropas
Zu den umstrittensten Kapiteln der südosteuropäischen Geschichte gehört die Epoche der osmanischen Herrschaft, die im 14. Jahrhundert ihren Anfang nahm. In ...
by Markus Koller


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