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Emigration: Europe and Asia
The emergence of colonial migration circuits between Europe and Asia followed the ascendency of European mercantile and military power. In the early 19th ...
by Ulbe Bosma
Ab Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts wurden größere Rechtsgebiete wie etwa das Zivil- oder Strafrecht zunehmend mithilfe von Kodifikationen geregelt. In Europa gab es ...
by Wilhelm Brauneder
Islamic Networks
In this article the term "Islamic networks" refers to networks of Islamic culture and learning, i.e. interpersonal networks of relations between Muslims. ...
by Thomas Eich
Alpine Region
The Alpine region lies between a number of densely populated European countries. It consists of a curved mountain range 1,200 kilometres in length that is ...
by Jon Mathieu
Christliche Mission
Die transkulturelle Verbreitung des christlichen Glaubens in der Neuzeit ging im Wesentlichen von Europa aus, nachdem alle Völker dieses Kontinents das ...
by Michael Sievernich
Postcolonial Studies
"Postcolonial studies" denotes a loosely defined inter-disciplinary field of perspectives, theories and methods that deal with the non-material dimensions of ...
by Harald Fischer-Tiné
Die "Jugendbewegung" hat eine spezifisch deutsche "Klangfarbe". Sowohl die "Wandervogelzeit" vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg als auch die "bündische Phase" und ...
by Barbara Stambolis
"Wissenschaft" ist ein Schlüsselbegriff insbesondere moderner kultureller Konstellationen, der in eigentümlicher Weise zugleich durch strikte Verbindlichkeit ...
by Paul Ziche , Joppe van Driel
Alliances and Treaties
This article explores how the use of alliances and treaties changed along with the developments in the European international order in the modern era. ...
by Mike Rapport
Settler Colonies
Beginning in the early modern age, European settler colonies were founded first beyond the Atlantic Ocean and later in the Pacific, but not in Asia. The ...
by Christoph Marx


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