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The term "Reich" is found in a variety of European languages and has several applications in German. "Das Reich" is different, however, and it derives its ...
by Joachim Whaley
Revolution and Migration after 1789
The French Revolution provoked one of modern history's massive waves of political migration. Émigrés from all levels of French society dispersed throughout ...
by Friedemann Pestel
Islam in Europe
From the early Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, Islamic states were an integral part of Europe's political geography. Throughout the ...
by Patrick Franke
Thirty Years' War
The Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) became a media phenomenon, manifesting itself in different ways depending on the functions of the age's various media types. ...
by Esther-Beate Körber
The term Abendland (Occident) refers to a primarily German discussion about Europe, which was particularly active from the end of the First World War to the ...
by Vanessa Conze
The "Dutch Century"
The history of the Netherlands in the 17th century is generally described in superlatives – the "Golden Age" or "A Miracle Mirrored", to name just two titles ...
by Dagmar Freist
British and American Constitutional Models
While in the 18th century enthusiasm for the liberal British constitution was a central element in continental Anglophilia, the American Revolution brought a ...
by Horst Dippel
Christian Allies of the Ottoman Empire
The relationship between the Ottomans and the Christians did not evolve around continuous hostility and conflict, as is generally assumed. The Ottomans ...
by Emrah Safa Gürkan
Translatio Imperii im Moskauer Russland
Für die christliche Kaiserherrschaft sowohl im oströmisch-byzantinischen Reich wie im Heiligen Römischen Reich war in der historischen Abfolge der Weltreiche, ...
by Edgar Hösch
Spaces of Courtly Display
In the medieval and early modern periods, courtly spaces were defined by the presence of the prince (Fürst) and his court. These spaces formed at different ...
by Ulrich Schütte


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