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"Modernization" has been one of the most intensely negotiated concepts of the theoretical and historical social sciences over the last fifty years. Conceptions ...
by Thomas Mergel
Anatomisches Theater
Das Anatomische Theater ist eine medizinische Zentralinstitution der Frühen Neuzeit. Konzipiert und realisiert als Ort der medizinischen Lehre wurde es von ...
by Marion Mücke , Thomas Schnalke
Mental Maps
Spatial concepts such as "Europe", the "West" or the "Mediterranean region" not only define political debate, but also the historiographical discourse. ...
by Frithjof Benjamin Schenk
Europe developed an independent existence in terms of its function as a cultural reference point. Initially conceived of as an independent entity within the ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Global Health
The worldwide spread of the European type of medicine has taken place since the early modern period, above all through trade settlements, Christian missionary ...
by Walter Bruchhausen
Modernisierung ist seit fünfzig Jahren einer der am intensivsten verhandelten Begriffe der theoretischen und historischen Sozialwissenschaft. Im Verlauf dieser ...
by Thomas Mergel
Roman Law and Reception
This contribution offers an overview of the origin, development and persistence of Roman law from its origins in the 8th century BC to the 19th century AD. ...
by Lorena Atzeri
Mental Maps
Raumbezogene Begriffe wie "Europa", der "Westen" oder der "Mittelmeerraum" prägen nicht nur die politische Alltagssprache, sondern auch den historiographischen ...
by Frithjof Benjamin Schenk
Animals have become an important topic in German-language historiography. Following a brief review of the research as a whole, this article will introduce the ...
by Aline Steinbrecher , Gesine Krüger
Nature and Environment
This article approaches the communication space and social construct of Europe from the perspective of environmental history and traces the commonalities and ...
by Nils Freytag


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