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Transfer of Military Organizations and Institutions
What is recognized worldwide and under International Law as "military" is ultimately based on the adoption of western organizational concepts. These concepts ...
by Philip Martin Rink
Dieser Beitrag bietet eine Einführung in die Historiographie, Tendenzen und Methoden der historischen Grenzforschung. Der erste Abschnitt macht den Leser mit ...
by Bernhard Struck
Throughout European history monarchs, states, and governments have claimed the right to select men and force them to serve in the military. Modern ...
by Kevin Linch
Levée en Masse
When faced, in 1793, with the prospect of defeat, the National Convention issued an appeal for a levée en masse, which, theoretically, placed the entire ...
by Ambrogio A. Caiani
Model Italy
The "Italian Model" or "Modèle italien" is perhaps the oldest and most common in our received tradition of writing histories of this type of narrative because ...
by Cornel Zwierlein
This article discusses water as a substance and a historical subject matter. The focus is on the different historical, social and cultural functions that water ...
by Franziska Torma
The Young Men's Christian Association is one of the largest and oldest youth movements in the world. From the perspective of organisation studies, the YMCA can ...
by Martti Muukkonen
Krieg und "Nachkrieg"
Bis zum 18. Jahrhundert galt der Krieg als gewalttätige Auseinandersetzung zwischen souveränen Staaten. Spätestens in der Aufklärung wurde er einer ...
by Olaf Peters
First World War
During the course of the First World War, the armed forces involved increasingly attempted to construct individual incidents of the war as media events in an ...
by Christian Götter
Crimean War
Chloroform, telegraphy, steamships and precision rifles were among the "modern" features of the Crimean War (1853–1856). As the war was observed by numerous ...
by Ulrich Keller


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