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"Wissenschaft" ist ein Schlüsselbegriff insbesondere moderner kultureller Konstellationen, der in eigentümlicher Weise zugleich durch strikte Verbindlichkeit ...
by Paul Ziche , Joppe van Driel
Transcultural History
At heart, a transcultural history of Europe examines the topic of cultural transfer, above all those cultural assets tied up with identity (i.e. Kultureme). ...
by Wolfgang Schmale
Mosaic of Languages
Europe is a continent of great linguistic and cultural differences, and Europeans have always been conscious of linguistic diversity. The distribution of ...
by Harald Haarmann
Die Verbreitung der Homöopathie ist nur vor dem Hintergrund der Medizin- und Sozialgeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, insbesondere der Kritik an der ...
by Martin Dinges
Bevölkerungstheorie und Konfessionsmigration
In der frühneuzeitlichen Bevölkerungstheorie bestand eine Spannung zwischen dem populationistischen Nutzen und den Gefahren der Fremdenaufnahme. Das Konzept ...
by Justus Nipperdey
Women's Movements
This article traces the formation of a first wave of transnational organizing among women from the late 19th century through the Second World War. The ...
by Leila J. Rupp
Greek War of Independence
This article deals with developments leading up to, the unfolding of and the outcome of the Greek War of Independence which began in 1821, while focusing in ...
by Ioannis Zelepos
Decolonization and Revolution
Decolonization is a central historical trend. Occurring in four broad phases from 1776 up to 1991, it has shaped the present-day global system of states ...
by Fabian Klose
Prisoners in War
The article traces the evolution of the treatment of prisoners of war and the emergence of the modern, legally codified prisoners regime. It argues that the ...
by Sibylle Scheipers
Orthodox Theology in Western Europe
Orthodox theology in Western Europe in the 20th century is a fascinating phenomenon. Owing to the revolution in Russia and the economic and political ...
by Ivana Noble , Timothy Noble


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