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Royal and imperial courts and dynasties
This contribution offers a broad overview of the common themes that linked together the royal and imperial courts of Europe in the pre-modern world. In ...
by Jonathan Spangler
Codification Movements
From the mid-18th century, there was an increasing trend to regulate larger domains of law, such as civil or criminal law, through the implementation of ...
by Wilhelm Brauneder
Scandinavian Legal System
Scandinavian or Nordic law constitutes a distinct legal system. The historical origins of this legal tradition can be attributed to the frequent border changes ...
by Wilhelm Brauneder
Political Migration (Exile)
In the wake of the "Atlantic Revolutions" of the years 1770–1800, exile movements grew in importance, and political motives became their prominent causes. In ...
by Delphine Diaz
Internationale soziale Bewegungen
Dieser Artikel untersucht eine Vielfalt internationaler sozialer Bewegungen vor 1945 und will dadurch zu einer tieferschürfenden transnationalen historischen ...
by Stefan Berger
Königshöfe, Kaiserhöfe und Dynastien
Dieser Beitrag liefert einen breiten Überblick über Themen und Motive, die für ein länderübergreifendes Verständnis königlicher und kaiserlicher Höfe im Europa ...
by Jonathan Spangler


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