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"Science" is a key concept of modern culture. It is characterized in a unique way both by the adherence to strict principles and by a large degree of openness. ...
by Paul Ziche , Joppe van Driel
Popularisation of Science
In recent decades historians and sociologists of science have significantly revised their views on how science relates to popular culture. They have replaced ...
by Peter Bowler
Artistic and literary production are not inherently urban processes in themselves but they have always flourished in an urban context and the processes of ...
by Markian Prokopovych , Rosemary H. Sweet
Lisbon Earthquake
The earthquake that laid waste to Portugal's capital city Lisbon on 1 November 1755 shook the West as severely as almost no other earthquake has before or ...
by Jürgen Wilke
Expulsion of the Muslims from the Balkans
During the 19th and 20th centuries, hundreds of thousands of Muslims migrated from the Balkans into other regions, above all the Ottoman Empire and the ...
by Berna Pekesen
In der Geschichte des Bodens überlappen sich unterschiedliche Dimensionen, die per se unabhängig voneinander sind. Boden war gleichzeitig Hoheitsgebiet, ...
by Frank Uekötter
Performances of William Shakespeare's plays on the European continent date back to his lifetime. Since his death in 1616, the playwright has never stopped ...
by Sophie Chiari
"Modernization" has been one of the most intensely negotiated concepts of the theoretical and historical social sciences over the last fifty years. Conceptions ...
by Thomas Mergel
East West Literary Transfers
This article re-examines one of the aesthetic foundations of orientalist discourse. It focuses on the circulation of literary themes, techniques and motifs ...
by Anne Duprat
Anatomisches Theater
Das Anatomische Theater ist eine medizinische Zentralinstitution der Frühen Neuzeit. Konzipiert und realisiert als Ort der medizinischen Lehre wurde es von ...
by Marion Mücke , Thomas Schnalke


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