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A region is a medium-sized spatial unit characterized by its relative indeterminacy and fluidity. It requires a reference value and is therefore defined in ...
by Martina Steber
Imperien und "composite states"
Imperien und "composite states" waren vormoderne Herrschaftsgebilde, die in politischer, administrativer, wirtschaftlicher, rechtlicher und kultureller ...
by Dorothée Goetze , Michael Rohrschneider
In the period 1450–1900, Europeans travelled to places both near and far, encountering landscapes and people. These encounters changed the world. New contact ...
by Doris Gruber
International Social Movements
This article examines a variety of international social movements before 1945 and seeks to encourage a more deep-rooted historical transnational study of ...
by Stefan Berger
Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsmigrationen Frühe Neuzeit
Die Menschen im Europa der Vormoderne waren sehr mobil, trotz vielerorts geltender Restriktionen, etwa aufgrund von Leibeigenschaft. Hoch qualifizierte ...
by Klaus Weber
Empires and "composite states"
Empires and "composite states" were pre-modern dominions characterised by a high degree of political, administrative, economic, judicial and cultural ...
by Dorothée Goetze , Michael Rohrschneider
Lingua Franca und Verkehrssprachen
Der vorliegende Beitrag bezieht sich auf den Abstieg des Lateins und den Aufstieg des Französischen als neue Lingua franca im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert innerhalb ...
by Thorsten Roelcke
Spas represent a special type of European urban and tourist space between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Many spas were not towns in the legal sense of the ...
by Ute Lotz-Heumann
Economic Migration Early Modern Europe
Human beings in pre-modern Europe were intensely mobile, despite restrictions in many places, such as those due to serfdom. On a seasonal or permanent basis, ...
by Klaus Weber
Church and 'Turkish Threat'
Following the conquest of Anatolia by Turkish tribal warriors led by Seljuk prince Suleiman ibn Kutalmiş at the end of the 11th century, a view of the "Turks" ...
by Mariano Delgado


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