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The transfer of knowledge and culture in Europe – particularly since the emergence of national languages as the languages of literature and scholarship – is ...
by Mary Snell-Hornby , Jürgen Schopp
Der europäische Wissens- und Kulturtransfer ist – besonders seit der Entwicklung der Nationalsprachen als Literatur- und Wissenschaftssprachen – ohne ...
by Mary Snell-Hornby , Jürgen Schopp
From the 16th century onward, women cultivated in salons a specific form of conversational conviviality and also registered their participation in the res ...
by Petra Dollinger
Performances of William Shakespeare's plays on the European continent date back to his lifetime. Since his death in 1616, the playwright has never stopped ...
by Sophie Chiari
In Salons pflegten Frauen seit dem 16. Jahrhundert eine spezifische Form der Konversationsgeselligkeit und meldeten in einem durch die Ideale der honnête femme ...
by Petra Dollinger
Artistic and literary production are not inherently urban processes in themselves but they have always flourished in an urban context and the processes of ...
by Markian Prokopovych , Rosemary H. Sweet
Das Entstehen künstlerischer und literarischer Werke ist nicht grundsätzlich ein städtischer Prozess, hat aber im städtischen Umfeld stets fruchtbaren Boden ...
by Markian Prokopovych , Rosemary H. Sweet
Model Hercules
Hercules, the semi-divine hero of classical myth, has served as a model in many ways in both art and politics. This article has its focus on the changing ...
by Valerie Mainz
East West Literary Transfers
This article re-examines one of the aesthetic foundations of orientalist discourse. It focuses on the circulation of literary themes, techniques and motifs ...
by Anne Duprat
Reisen nach Italien
Egal ob Reiseberichte oder Romane, ob historische oder zeitgenössische Werke, hochliterarische oder populäre Bücher – der Topos "Italien" findet sich in ...
by Sandra Vlasta


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