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Jüdische Migration
Waren (und sind) jüdische Migrationen überwiegend das Ergebnis von Verfolgung und Diskriminierung oder stehen wirtschaftliche Motive im Vordergrund? Der ...
by Tobias Brinkmann
Printed Catechisms have been durable and persistent media of religious transfer. The reformation era brought them to particular prominence. Luther's Small ...
by Mary Jane Haemig
Italian Cuisine
In recent decades, Italian cuisine has had a greater impact upon the development of eating habits than any other national cuisine. Spaghetti, pizza, tiramisù ...
by Ulrike Thoms
Confessional Migration
While Christian confessional migrations are a broadly researched phenomenon that certainly exhibits some unique features compared to earlier, and also to an ...
by Ulrich Niggemann
Christliche Konfessionsmigration
Obwohl es sich bei den christlichen Konfessionsmigrationen um ein breit erforschtes Phänomen handelt, das zweifellos gegenüber früheren, aber teilweise auch ...
by Ulrich Niggemann
Emigration: Europe and Asia
The emergence of colonial migration circuits between Europe and Asia followed the ascendency of European mercantile and military power. In the early 19th ...
by Ulbe Bosma
Ab Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts wurden größere Rechtsgebiete wie etwa das Zivil- oder Strafrecht zunehmend mithilfe von Kodifikationen geregelt. In Europa gab es ...
by Wilhelm Brauneder
Islamic Networks
In this article the term "Islamic networks" refers to networks of Islamic culture and learning, i.e. interpersonal networks of relations between Muslims. ...
by Thomas Eich
Alpine Region
The Alpine region lies between a number of densely populated European countries. It consists of a curved mountain range 1,200 kilometres in length that is ...
by Jon Mathieu
Andrea Palladio (1508–1580) hat wie kein anderer Renaissancearchitekt Italiens die Entwicklung der europäischen Baukunst geprägt. Noch zweihundert Jahre nach ...
by Carsten Ruhl


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